James Martin Lamb Recipes
- Braised lamb shanks with flageolet beans
- Duo of lamb with paloise sauce and crushed new potatoes and green beans
- Griddled lamb chops with pine nuts and pomegranate tabbouleh
- Hazelnut-crusted rump of salt marsh lamb with runner beans
- Herb crusted rack of lamb with broad bean and pea ragoût
- Herb crusted rack of lamb with dauphinoise potatoes and a spinach and basil timbale
- Indian spiced lamb with Provençal vegetables and mint sauce
- James Martin dauphinoise potatoes with stuffed leg of lamb
- Jerk lamb with chilli butternut squash and apple salad
- Lamb curry with basmati rice
- Lamb hotpot with seasonal cabbage
- Lamb madras with bombay potatoes
- Lamb madras with chapatis
- Lamb madras with coriander and mint rice and flatbreads
- Lamb neck fillet tagine with tabbouleh
- Lamb rendang with coriander and lime rice
- Lamb rump navarin with rosemary dumplings and roasted onions and parsnips
- Lamb shank tagine with herb tabbouleh
- Lamb shank tagine with tabbouleh
- Lamb tikka kebabs with raita
- Mint-stuffed lamb shoulder with boulangère potatoes and mint sauce
- Pot roasted shoulder of lamb with beans, peas and a mint jelly
- Pot-roasted lamb with mashed potatoes and mint sauce
- Rack of lamb with mushroom ravioli, cep purée and wild mushroom sauce
- Rack of lamb with salsify, seasonal greens and a port reduction
- Roast shoulder of lamb with roast potatoes and spring greens
- Roast shoulder of lamb with roasted ratatouille
- Roasted lamb, pickled squash and turnips with a chilli dressing
- Roasted leg of lamb with boulangère potatoes and a fricassée of onions and peas
- Roasted loin of lamb rolled in a sweet chilli jam served with pickled vegetables
- Roasted stuffed leg of lamb with boulangère potatoes
- Sautéed sweet potatoes with roasted loin of lamb and sweet potato crisp
- Shredded lamb Thai salad
- Slow braised lamb shanks with olive oil mash
- Spiced lamb, rice vermicelli and holy basil salad
- Spiced roasted shoulder of lamb with red lentil dal
- Sticky lamb chops with roasted stuffed peppers
- Stuffed lamb chops with baby vegetables
- Stuffed leg of lamb with a wild garlic and spinach butter with Jersey Royals, peas and mint sauce
- Tarragon stuffed crown of lamb with duchess potatoes
- Thai lamb salad with spicy dressing
- Weeping lamb with boulangère potatoes and mint sauce
- Welsh lamb in hay with tabbouleh salad