James Martin recipes A to Z
- Wafer-thin membrillo and apple tart with honey and walnut cream
- Waffles with hollandaise, poached eggs and bacon
- Waffles with hot chocolate sauce, fried bananas and ice cream
- Waffles with strawberry compôte and ice cream
- Walnut and apple-stuffed rolled loin of pork with roasted honey and walnut parsnips
- Walnut and coffee frangipane tart with candied walnuts
- Walnut and pistachio baklava with almond and ginger ice cream
- Walnut Bakewell tart with roasted medlars
- Walnut, Brie and turkey salad
- Warm blackberries with cheat’s brown bread ice cream
- Warm salad of broad bean, mangetout, peas, roasted beetroot and mozzarella
- Warm smoked lobster salad with radish, and a lime vanilla mango dressing
- Watercress and pea soup
- Watercress soup with crushed Jersey Royal potatoes and chives
- Weeping lamb with boulangère potatoes and mint sauce
- Welsh lamb in hay with tabbouleh salad
- Welsh rarebit with tomato and apple chutney
- Whisky and orange mustard rib of beef with potato and turnip dauphinoise
- Whisky mustard crusted pork chop with sautéed potatoes
- Whisky-cured salmon with beetroot and blinis
- Whisky-cured salmon with cucumber ketchup and chargrilled cucumber
- White chocolate and raspberry trifle
- White chocolate and whisky bread and butter pudding with honeycomb foam and whisky ice cream
- White chocolate, bourbon and raspberry cheesecake
- White chocolate, whisky and croissant butter pudding
- Whole poached salmon and lemon
- Whole roasted duck with purple sprouting broccoli, duck-fat potatoes and bordelaise sauce
- Whole roasted sea bass on a bed of tomatoes and black oilves, with crab croquettes
- Whole roasted sea bass with harissa paste, steamed potatoes and oregano
- Whole roasted trout with salsa verde, roasted new potatoes and lemons
- Wild garlic barley risotto with breast of guinea fowl, curly kale and beer-poached onions
- Wild mushroom quiche with smoked salmon salad
- Wild rabbit and morel stew with olive oil mash
- Wild salmon with English asparagus and hollandaise sauce
- Wild salmon with sauce vierge
- Wilted red cabbage with ham hock
- Wreck fish and crayfish with fennel purée and crayfish bisque
More James Martin recipes.