Jack Stein
Jack is the middle son of Rick and Jill Stein. After a BSC in Psychology and a Masters in Ancient History he realised his heart was set on cooking and worked as a chef at restaurants across the world, including La Régalade in Paris
Angela Hartnett
Angela Hartnett OBE is Chef-Patron at Murano, Café Murano and Hartnett Holder & Co. As one of the UK’s most loved chefs and restaurateurs, Angela is known for her sophisticated yet simple, Italy-inspired cooking.
Gaz Oakley
Gaz, aka Avant-Garde Vegan, was once a meat eater and often didn’t feel well. Overnight, he decided to go vegan for the health benefits, for his love of animals and to do his part in looking after the planet. He has written three hugely successful cookbooks, Plants-Only Kitchen, Vegan Christmas and Vegan 100.