A hearty meal for two of boiled bacon chops, garlic roasted broccoli and a strongly flavoured cheese and mustard sauce.
For the roasted broccoli
- 1 whole
broccoli - 6
garlic cloves, grated, mixed with a little oil - 1 bunch fresh
thyme, leaves and stalks separated - 100g/3½oz
butter, diced - pinch freshly grated
For the three-cheese sauce
- 30g/1oz plain white
flour - 30g/1oz
butter - 285ml/10fl oz
milk - 55g/2oz Stinking Bishop cheese, diced
- 55g/2oz
Gruyère cheese, grated - 55g/2oz strong
cheese of your choice, grated - salt and freshly ground
black pepper - 1 tbsp
English mustard - 1 tbsp
crème fraîche
For the bacon chop
- 75g/2½oz
butter - 2 x 250g/9oz bacon chops
- 1 tbsp chopped
For the potatoes
- 300g/11oz
new potatoes, boiled - 1 tbsp
vegetable oil - 1
onion, finely sliced - 1 tsp smoked
paprika - 1 tbsp chopped fresh
For the roasted broccoli, preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
Remove the stalk from the broccoli and cut it in half lengthways. Peel the hard woody bits from it. Set it to one side.
Rub the grated garlic onto the broccoli head and place it in a deep roasting tray. Sprinkle over with the thyme stalks and top with the butter.
Roast for 35-45 minutes until just cooked. Baste in the butter 3-4 times whilst roasting.
Season with fresh nutmeg and set to one side.
For the three-cheese sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan and then stir in the flour and cook for 1-2 minutes. Take the pan off the heat and gradually stir in the milk until you have a smooth sauce. Return to the heat and, stirring all the time, bring to the boil.
When the sauce is smooth, stir in the cheeses until they are melted. Season with salt and pepper and pass through a sieve. Stir in the mustard and crème fraîche and set to one side.
For the bacon chops, put the butter in a pan with 100ml/3½fl oz of water and bring to the boil. Add the broccoli stalk halves and bacon chops and cook until the stalks are tender and the bacon is cooked through. You may need to add a little more water. Drain and add the chopped parsley.
Heat the oil in a clean pan and gently fry the onion and cooked new potatoes together until golden-brown and hot through. Season with the smoked paprika.
Serve the bacon, broccoli stems, roasted broccoli and potatoes with the sauce.