The curing process changes the texture and the flavour of the duck completely. Keep the fat and use it for cooking – especially for your Sunday roast potatoes!
- For the honey confit of duck
- 4
duck legs - 15g/½oz table
salt per kilo of duck legs - 2 tsp
thyme leaves - 2 tsp finely chopped
rosemary - 2
garlic cloves, finely chopped - 600ml/20fl oz
duck fat - 2 bay leaves
- 2 tbsp
olive oil - 4 tbsp
- 4
- For the Puy lentils
- 50g/1¾oz unsalted
butter - 2 tbsp
olive oil - 1
onion, finely chopped - 1
garlic clove, finely sliced - 1 small
carrot, finely chopped - 1 stick
celery, finely chopped - ¼
leek, finely chopped - 300g/10½oz
Puy lentils - 175ml/6fl oz
red wine - 450ml/16fl oz
beef stock - 2 tbsp good
sherry vinegar - 2 tbsp chopped
fresh coriander - 4 slices
pancetta, cooked
- 50g/1¾oz unsalted
Preparation method
For the honey confit of duck, preheat the oven to 140C/275F/Gas 1.
Mix the salt, herbs and garlic in a bowl with the duck legs to coat them. Cover the bowl and leave for 24 hours in the fridge.
Rinse the duck legs and wash the salt mix off the duck. Place in an ovenproof saucepan with a lid and add the duck fat and bay leaves.
Bring to a simmer, then put the lid on and cook in the oven for 2½ hours. Remove the duck from the fat and set aside.
For the Puy lentils, heat a sauté pan or a large frying pan then add the butter and oil. Once hot, add the onion and cook for two minutes. Add the garlic, carrot, celery and leek and cook for a further two minutes.
Add the lentils and red wine and bring to the boil. Cook until the wine has reduced by half then add the stock and cook the lentils for 25-30 minutes. Mix in the sherry vinegar and coriander.
To finish the duck legs, heat the oil in a frying pan, once hot add the honey. Cook the duck legs in the honey for two minutes basting the legs all the time.
To serve, place a pile of the lentils on the plate with a leg next it, and crumble the cooked pancetta on top of the lentils.