Hot and cold smoked salmon


  • 200g/7oz smoked salmon
  • 2 small brioche
  • 4 tbsp crême frâiche
  • small bunch dill, chopped
  • ½ lemon, zest and juice
  • 50g/2oz mixed salad leaves
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • salt and crushed black pepper
  • 1 small jar salmon roe
  • 1 small jar Avruga “caviar” (optional)

Preparation method

  1. Cut the top off the brioche and hollow out the inside, leaving the lid for the garnish.

  2. Take half the smoked salmon and fold each piece in half. Sear in a hot pan and set on one side of each serving plate, placing the un-cooked salmon on the other side.

  3. Add the lemon and dill to the cême frâiche and stir well.

  4. Dress the salad leaves with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and season well. Divide into four and place a quarter inside each brioche. Top with the dill and lemon crême frâiche. Add a spoonful of salmon roe and caviar if you are using these.

  5. Serve on a bed of the remaining salad leaves, with the salmon either side. Place the lid against the side of the brioche.

Required techniques

James Martin recipes from Housecall

Less than 30 mins preparation time

10 to 30 mins cooking time

Serves 2

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