Lure some luxury into your kitchen with a big-flavoured recipe for lobster spaghetti.
- 3 tbsp
olive oil - 50g/2oz
butter - 2
garlic clove, finely chopped - 2
shallots, finely chopped - 2
lemongrass stalks, finely chopped - 2 green
chillies, finely chopped - 4 kaffir
lime leaves, finely shredded - 200ml/7fl oz
white wine - 400ml/14fl oz
double cream - 2 x 750g/1lb 10oz cooked
lobster, shelled and cut into chunks - 2
limes, juice only - 3 tbsp chopped fresh
coriander - 300g/10oz
Preparation method
Heat a large frying pan until hot. Add the olive oil and butter and then stir in the garlic, shallots, lemongrass, chillies and shredded lime leaves. Fry for 1-2 minutes.
Pour in the white wine and cook until the volume of liquid has reduced by half.
Add the cream and bring to a simmer. Cook until just thickened and then add the lobster. Squeeze in the lime juice and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Finally, stir in the coriander.
Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti according to packet instructions and then drain. Mix the spaghetti with the lobster sauce until well combined.
To serve, pile the spaghetti onto plates and finish with another squeeze of lime juice.