Saturday Kitchen Recipes 13 May 2023


Saturday Kitchen Recipes 13 May 2023

Olia Hercules

Leith’s trained chef, recipe writer and food stylist Olia was born in Southern Ukraine. She honed her skills in the firey kitchens of Ottolenghi then worked as a freelance recipe tester and developer for a variety of food magazines

Niklas Ekstedt

Rye bread

As gastronomy became ever more sophisticated, this Swedish chef went back to basics, cooking on an open fire and even chopping his own wood. The result? A Michelin star.
Books include Food from the Fire and Ekstedt: The Nordic Art of Analogue Cooking.

Donal Skehan

Irish television presenter, food writer/cook and photographer Donal was born in Dublin and grew up surrounded and inspired by a family of passionate food lovers who have worked in the food industry for over 60 years

Carmen O’Neal

Carmen O’Neal has quietly built a cocktail empire from an east London railway arch, but it wasn’t what she dreamed of doing – she initially set out to be a shoemaker


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