30 mins to 1 hour
10 to 30 mins
It’s definitely worth the effort of making your own stuffing for Christmas dinner, and Mary Berry’s version is a winner.
Mary Berry recipes
- 600ml/1 pint water
- 1 large
onion, coarsely chopped - 225g/8oz pre-soaked
dried apricots, snipped into small pieces - 225g/9oz fresh white
breadcrumbs - 75g/3oz
butter - 225g/8oz frozen
chestnuts, thawed, roughly chopped - generous bunch fresh
parsley, chopped -
salt - freshly ground
black pepper
Preheat oven 200C/400F/Gas 6.
Butter a shallow ovenproof dish.
Measure the water into a pan; add the onion and apricot bring to the boil.
Boil for about five minutes and drain.
Put the breadcrumbs into a large bowl.
Melt the butter in a pan and pour half of this onto the breadcrumbs.
Add the remaining butter to a frying pan and fry the chestnuts over a high heat until lightly browned.
Tip into the bowl with the breadcrumbs.
Add the apricots, onion and parsley to the bowl.
Season with salt and pepper.
Turn into a buttered, shallow ovenproof dish and bake in a preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes until crisp and hot right through.
To freeze: cool and cover the dish with foil, freeze until Christmas Eve.
To thaw: take out the night before using and thaw overnight. Re-crispen in a hot oven (as above) for about 10-15 minutes.